October 23, 2024

Statement by Amb. Maria Michail – United Nations – Third Committee

3rd-comm-ambThird Committee – Agenda Item 71 “ Promotion and Protection of Human Rights”

22 October 2024

Mr. Chair,

Cyprus fully aligns to the statement delivered by the European Union. Allow me to make some additional remarks in my national capacity.

The 20th of July this year marked the 50th solemn memorial since the illegal Turkish military invasion and the consequent occupation of approximately 37% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, in blatant violation of the UN Charter.

I am obliged to raise once more the issue of violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms stemming from the Turkish illegal invasion and continued military occupation in Cyprus. There is absolutely no justification of violations of human rights. We are adamant on our position that human rights violations cannot be normalized just because they have been in place for a long time. We will continue to raise the issue until all human rights violations have been redressed.

Mr. Chair,

The Turkish military invasion disrupted the life of all Cypriots and torn apart the social fabric of the island. Approximately 170,000 Greek Cypriots – a third of Greek Cypriots- were forcibly expelled from their ancestral homes. The consequences of the continued occupation are felt to this day: displaced Greek Cypriots are still prevented from returning to their homes and to peacefully enjoy their properties, witnessing the systematic and unlawful exploitation, development, and use of their properties by others.

This is part of a deliberate and expanding plan of the occupying power, that is inconsistent with international law, aiming at pre-empting a solution of the Cyprus problem that would envisage the return of the displaced to their homes and properties and the full restoration of their human rights according to international law. Türkiye needs to immediately stop the continuing unlawful exploitation of Greek Cypriot owned land in the occupied part of Cyprus, including the sale of the property to Turkish settlers and interests, as well as to foreigners.

In relation to Varosha, Türkiye continues in the same course of action, in full defiance of relevant Security Council Resolutions and Presidential Statements that call for immediate reversal of actions. The Security Council reaffirmed the status of Varosha as set out in previous UN Security Council resolutions, including resolution 550 (1984) and 789 (1992), as well as the most recent 2723 (2024). The Security Council reiterated that any attempt to settle any part of Varosha by people other than its inhabitants is inadmissible and that no actions should be carried out in relation to Varosha that are not in accordance with its resolutions.

With the aim to change the demographic composition and alter the population balance on the island, Türkiye has implemented a systematic policy of demographic engineering in the occupied part of Cyprus, with the mass transfer of settlers from Turkiye. This policy is a war crime under international humanitarian law, aiming  to change the demographic character of the island, eliminate its historic character, as well as pre-empt  the settlement of the Cyprus problem.

Destruction of cultural heritage is another part of Türkiye’s concerted effort to change the character and history of the area under its occupation. The rich heritage of Cyprus has been looted, vandalized and destroyed since 1974, including the looting and desecration of more than 520 Orthodox, Armenian and Maronite churches in the occupied areas.  Cyprus recalls that intentional destruction of cultural heritage is well settled as a violation of international and international humanitarian law, and a war crime actionable under the Rome Statue.

Mr. Chair,

Enclaved Greek Cypriots and Maronites living under Turkish occupation are subject to numerous violations and deprivations of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.  Enclaved persons in the occupied areas have been drastically reduced to a few hundred, as a result of oppression and discriminatory treatment on the basis of their ethnic origin, race and religion. They are daily deprived of their right to privacy and family life, freedom of expression, freedom of religion and property rights, among other rights. Their right to education is violated through the frequent  and unacceptable  censorship of textbooks, arbitrary rejection of appointed educators, restriction to access and constant monitoring.

50 years since the Turkish invasion, we continue to recall the important humanitarian issue which arises in respect of the missing persons in Cyprus. The fate of around 50% of the missing persons is still unknown to this date. Their families have the right to know. We call on Türkiye to provide the Committee on Missing Persons with all relevant information, especially from military archives, on the fate of those persons who disappeared while in its custody or control, including information on burial sites and the deliberate relocation of remains. Türkiye needs to ensure that the Committee of Missing Persons has immediate and unhindered access to all military areas in the occupied part of Cyprus. We call upon Türkiye to implement all judgements of the European Court of Human Rights as per its international obligations, and to pay the Just Satisfaction awarded by the European Court of Justice to the families of the missing persons, as well as the enclaved residents of the Karpas peninsula.

Mr. Chair,

In our long narration of Türkiye’s violations of the human rights of the Cypriots, we should also not forget the violation of the rights of the Turkish Cypriots that live under Türkiye’s occupation.  The right to freedom of expression, freedom of thought, freedom of religion, freedom of association, the constant surveillance and monitoring of their daily lives, the pressure on their culture and their identity.

All the above constitute a non-exhaustive list of the many human right violations stemming from Türkiye’s invasion and the ongoing illegal occupation of Cyprus. They must be effectively addressed. Türkiye, as an occupying power needs to be held accountable by the international community and the competent organs of the UN.

I thank you.