October 23, 2024

Statement by Amb. Maria Michail – General Assembly – Third Committee


Agenda Item “Promotion and Protection of Human Rights”

JOINT STATEMENT OF MED9 (Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Spain, Portugal)

22 October 2024 


Mr. Chair,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the group of MED9, consisted by Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Spain, Portugal, and my own country Cyprus.

The Mediterranean region is no stranger to multifaceted challenges, including climate change, armed conflicts, irregular migration and organized crime. Further to the statement delivered by the European Union, to which the MED9 fully align, we would like to make some additional remarks based on MED9 common priorities specifically in the fields of culture and cultural rights, climate change, gender equality and young persons.

Mr. Chair,

MED9 are connected not only by geography, but mostly through our common values and fundamental principles within our European Union family.

Guided by our longstanding commitment to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, we reaffirm that human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated. It is our firm belief that human rights are the cornerstone of the multilateral system, placed at the heart of our common priorities, policies, and actions, both nationally and internationally.

Last year we celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 30th anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action.  However, our world is far from being ideal. MED9 is firm on our stance that no justification can be used as a pretext for the violation of human rights.

Mr. Chair,

Since ancient times, the Mediterranean region has been a cradle of civilizations with an immense significance for the whole word. A crossroad connecting Europe, Africa and Asia, the Mediterranean has always been, not only a trade hub, but mostly a region promoting cultural exchanges, recognising the importance of cultural understanding.

Cherishing the Mediterranean culture, comes as no surprise that MED9 have the promotion of culture and cultural rights very high on their national agendas. Cultural diversity is an asset for our region, and the protection and promotion of cultural rights a sine qua non. As MED9, we strive to promote cultural rights also in our regional cultural cooperation, including by supporting artistic freedom in the spirit of cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue, equality, and inclusiveness.

To this end, acknowledging the political urgency of safeguarding cultural rights in times of crisis, including the protection of cultural heritage in times of peace and conflict, Ministers of Culture of MED9 have adopted last September a “Declaration on Cultural Rights”, under the Cyprus’ Presidency of the MED9.

We are firm believers that culture has a key role to play in the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. In this regard, we welcome that the Pact for the Future has a standalone goal dedicated to culture as an integral component of sustainable development.

Mr. Chair,

Climate change poses an existential threat to many parts of the world, and the Mediterranean region is no exception. Extreme weather phenomena, natural disasters, drought, and desertification are only some of our common challenges as MED9. Climate change is threatening directly, and indirectly, the full and effective enjoyment of a range of human rights, impacting the lives of millions of peoples in our region.

Water scarcity is one of the biggest challenges the Mediterranean region is facing. It is seriously affecting the agricultural production, food security, rural economic stability and biodiversity. As discussed during the first MED9 Ministerial meeting on Agriculture in the Famagusta district of Cyprus in September 2024, MED9 commit to implementing sustainable water management practices in agriculture, using innovative technological solutions, engaging in research and promoting efficient use of water.

To address our common challenges, we recognise the importance for an enhanced regional cooperation between MED9 and Southern Neighbourhood countries, with a human-rights based approach guiding our responses and policies.

Mr. Chair,

The 30th anniversary since the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and the Platform of Action is fast approaching. It is more crucial than ever to assess our progress and our shared commitments for gender equality and the advancement of all women and girls.

Despite positive steps, we are extremely concerned that the global community is lacking behind the commitment to achieve gender equality by 2030. Backlashing of women and girls’ rights are persisting around the world. Stereotyped gender roles and historic inequalities deeply rooted in societies perpetuate the problem, putting an impediment to the full realization of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.

Dismantling stereotypes hindering the full enjoyment of human rights is a top priority deeply resonating across the group of MED9.  We reaffirm our strong commitment for the empowerment of all women and girls, in all their diversity, through advancing the rights of every woman and girl, mainstreaming the gender agenda throughout our national public policies, frameworks and priorities.

As MED9, we are also committed in preventing and combating sexual and gender-based violence in all its forms and manifestations. SGBV is a major human rights violation and a barrier for the advancement of all women and girls around the globe.

We reiterate our strong condemnation for trafficking in persons, a global issue that is also affecting our region and has a profound impact on the lives of individuals, as well as their communities. Trafficking in persons is a crime that violates fundamental human rights and offends human dignity, often having a transnational character. The covid-19 pandemic, conflicts and climate emergencies are only some of the root causes of trafficking in persons. However, human dignity is non-negotiable. We are committed in addressing trafficking in persons by strengthening even further our robust legal frameworks as well as our cooperation, having victim-centred approach in the heart of our responses.

Mr. Chair,

The Mediterranean region is home to a diverse – yet dynamic- youth population, facing multiple challenges. Young persons constitute a significant portion of the region’s population disproportionally affected by the many pressing and multifaceted challenges the Mediterranean is facing. These challenges lead to vulnerability and socio-economic inequalities, also impacting the well-being and mental health of young persons.

Young persons are agents of positive change for peace and security in the Mediterranean. They are in the forefront of identifying innovative solutions to regional and global challenges. We must ensure their full, meaningful and effective participation, including the participation of girls and young women, at all levels of decision-making, including here at the UN. It is imperative to provide a safe, enabling, and empowering environment for young persons, for challenges to be addressed in a coordinated, human rights based and gender responsive manner at all levels.

Mr. Chair,

To conclude, it is finally time to reaffirm our core values and invest in collective action for the common challenges of the humankind. And the MED9 group is committed to play its part for a strong multilateralism, through a strong European Union.

I thank you.