United Nations Disarmament Commission
2017 substantive session
Madam Chair
At the outset, on behalf of Cyprus delegation, I would like to congratulate you on the assumption of the chairmanship of this session of the United Nations Disarmament Commission (UNDC) and wish you every success in discharging your duties. I am convinced that your rich diplomatic experience will lead the session forward and I assure you of the full support and cooperation of my delegation. I would like also to thank the Disarmament Commission for its efforts on adopting guidelines and recommendations on disarmament issues.
Cyprus also joins previous speakers in extending our condolences and support to the Russian delegation following today’s events in St. Petersburg.
Madam Chair
International Peace and Stability constitute a primary objective of Cyprus’ Foreign Policy. Cyprus remains committed towards substantive progress in all relevant disarmament fora. In this spirit, Cyprus has signed and ratified all the main disarmament and non- proliferation treaties. In this context, in accordance with provisions of UNSC Resolution 1540, Cyprus submits regular reports on its implementation. We are also a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group and Australia Group since 2000.
Cyprus also aspires to accede to the Missile Tecnology Control Regime and the Wasenaar Arrangement and earnestly expects that the objections raised by one country in this regard will at last be lifted thus sparing all of us from such unmerited politisization which only jeopardizes the purpose of these treaties.
Furthermore, Cyprus has signed the International Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation in 2002 and participates in the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), since 2005. In May 2015, Cyprus co-hosted with the USA a successful table top regional exercise in the framework of PSI in an effort to promote regional cooperation in counter proliferation efforts.
Bearing in mind that “the risks posed by nuclear weapons are too great to ignore” and fully understanding the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of their use, Cyprus has consistently been a strong advocate of multilateral cooperation, inclusiveness and the pursuit of common objectives.
Our strong commitment to Non-Proliferation and disarmament is also concretely expressed through its efforts to be vigilant towards the threat of the spread of WMD in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region.
Madam Chair
In the area of outer space, we value the contribution of confidence building measures in the field and we consider essential that states continue to work collectively to keep it safe and secure, free from conflict, for the benefit of all humankind.
Madam Chair
In conclusion let me express once more my hope that the UNDC will overcome any deadlock, achieve progress and issue recommendations as tasked. You can rest assure of the full support and cooperation of the Cypriot delegation. We look forward to contributing to the discussion ahead.
Thank you Madam Chair