January 10, 2025

Address by President Anastasiades – UN summit – post-2015 development agenda

United Nations summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda (25-27 September 2015)

26 September 2015

Dear Chairman,

Dear Colleagues,

Dear Friends,

Today the world opens a new chapter in history. A chapter of hope and optimism for people and the planet. For a future where democratic values, respect for human rights, rule of law and the environment will be central principles in our path to sustainable development.

The outcome document we have before us, “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” is a monumental achievement of the international community. It is the creation of an unprecedented consultation process that lasted almost three years.

It involved all UN member states, the civil society, the private sector, regional actors and organizations, as well as ordinary citizens with an active interest to this noble cause.

We feel proud of this achievement as it reflects the high principles of effective multilateralism and close cooperation of the nations of the world.

We are renewing our commitment to complete the job of the unfinished Millennium Development Goals.

Dear Friends,

Cyprus has been actively involved throughout the two year process of developing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets.

Together with our two other partners, Singapore and United Arab Emirates, whom we wish to thank from this podium for their teamwork spirit and cooperation, we had our share of contribution in this extraordinary achievement.

We are proud that the universal agenda we are endorsing in this Summit is a truly ambitious and inclusive one, with poverty eradication and sustainable development at its heart.

It brings together, in a comprehensive and integrated manner, the 3 dimensions of sustainable development: Economic, Social and Environmental.

It marks a change of thought and attitude towards our natural resources and the way we use them.

It places people at the center of development efforts.

It promotes human prosperity and well being, peace and justice and fights inequalities among and within countries.

It pursues gender equality and empowerment of women.

It adheres to the full enjoyment of human rights, to the rule of law and the principles of international law and good governance.

It is an agenda that relates to all, to every single country in the world and to the last citizen of the planet.

These fundamental principles constitute the backbone of peace and stability within and among countries and they are prerequisites for the successful implementation of the new Post 2015 development agenda.

The Financing for Development Agreement of Addis Ababa and the efforts to reach a globally legally binding agreement in Paris next December are crucial components of the agenda and important ingredients for its successful implementation.

Climate change is a global challenge of the highest priority due to its severe and multidimensional effects on humanity and the planet. It should be central in the 2030 agenda due to its critical importance and cross-cutting nature in the implementation of all Sustainable Development Goals.

We also look forward to the global indicator framework to be developed by the inter Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goals.

The framework will be critical to the follow-up and review process within the context of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.

Cyprus is committed both nationally and as EU member to implementing the goals and targets of our agenda at home and abroad.

Dear Friends,

Concluding, I would like to extend sincere thanks and congratulations to the two co-facilitators of the intergovernmental negotiations, Macharia Kamau of Kenya and David Donahue of Ireland, for their hard work, inspiring leadership and for this extraordinary achievement.

As the eyes of the world are upon us, we give a promise that by 2030 we will deliver a better, more prosperous and peaceful world which will be sustainable, equitable and just. We owe it to our children and to the future generations.