March 31, 2025

Statement by Deputy Permanent Representative, Ms. Polly Ioannou, at the Security Council Open Debate

Security Council Open Debate on the Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Mediation and Settlements of Disputes

United Nations, 29 August 2018

Thank you, Mr. President, and our thanks to the UK Presidency for organizing this debate. My delegation fully subscribes to the EU statement which has been delivered. [Read more…]

Statement by Amb. Korneliou, 15th Annual International Human Rights Summit, 5 July 2018

Fifteenth Annual International Human Rights Summit

United Nations, 5 July 2018

Allow me to begin by extending our appreciation to the Youth for Human Rights International for inviting Cyprus to co-sponsor this year’s International Human Rights Summit. It is a great honour to address this summit which marks the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. [Read more…]

Statement by Amb. Korneliou – Security Council – Maintenance of International Peace and Security

Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Comprehensive Review of the Situation in the Middle East and North Africa

United Nations, 25 June 2018

Mr President,

I wish to commend you for organizing this timely debate and to thank you for giving us the opportunity to participate.

Cyprus aligns itself with the Statement of the European Union and I wish to make the following remarks in my national capacity. [Read more…]

Statement by Mr. Menelaou – Security Council Open Debate – 17 May 2018

 Security Council Open Debate on Upholding International Law within the Context of the Maintenance of International Peace and Security

United Nations, New York, 17 May 2018

On the outset, I would like to commend the Polish Presidency for convening this timely open debate on upholding international law within the context of maintenance of peace and security. Cyprus aligns itself with the statement delivered by the European Union, and wishes to deliver some additional remarks in its national capacity.  [Read more…]

Statement by Amb. Korneliou – Open Debate of SC – Peacekeeping Operations, 28 March 2018

Security Council Open Debate on “Collective Action to Improve UN Peacekeeping Operations”

United Nations, New York, 28 March 2018

Mr. President,

At the outset let me congratulate you for organizing this timely debate and commend you for your initiative to organize this debate. [Read more…]

Statement by Amb. Korneliou – International Decade for Action Water – 23 March 2018

kornelios2-23-3-18International Decade for Action Water for Sustainable Development 2018-2028, 22 March 2018, UN General Assembly

United Nations Headquarters, 23 March 2018

 Mr. President,

Allow me first to congratulate you for the High-level event taking place on such an important day, The World Water Day. [Read more…]

Statement by Amb. Korneliou – International Criminal Court – 7th December 2017

General Debate of the 16th Session of the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court (4 – 14 December 2017)

United Nations, 7 December 2017

Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a privilege to address the Assembly of States Parties at its 16th session. Cyprus fully aligns itself with the statement delivered on behalf of the European Union.  [Read more…]

Statement by Amb. Korneliou – States Parties of the ICC – 7 December 2017

General Debate of the 16th Session of the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court (4 – 14 December 2017)

United Nations Headquarters

Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a privilege to address the Assembly of States Parties at its 16th session. Cyprus fully aligns itself with the statement delivered on behalf of the European Union.  [Read more…]

Statement by Mr. Menelaos Menelaou – 3rd Committee – Protection and Promotion of Human Rights

Item 72(b): Protection and Promotion of Human Rights – Human rights questions, including alternative 3rd-committee-menelaos-2approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms

United Nations, 30 October 2017

Thank you Mr. Chairperson.

My delegation subscribes to the statement delivered by the European Union. I would like to add the following remarks in my national capacity. [Read more…]

Statement by First Secretary Mr. Michael Mavros, 4th Committee – Peacekeeping Operations

Item 55 – Comprehensive Review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects 4th-committee-peackeeping-operations-3

United Nations, 26 October 2016

Thank you Mr. Chair,

Cyprus aligns itself with the statement of the European Union and would like to add the following in its national capacity.

The 2015 reviews focused on UN peace operations, peacebuilding architecture, and women, peace and security were all inspired by the urgent need to strengthen the coherence of the UN system as part of renewed efforts to address root causes of fragility, conflict [Read more…]