United Nations |
4 (XXXI) 1975 |
General Assembly | Distr.: General
13 February 1975
Adopted on 13.2.75 on the question of Human Rights in Cyprus
The Commission of Human Rights,
Guided by the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations.
Mindful of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the relevant international instruments in particular the provisions of the Geneva conventions of August 1949,
Bearing in mind General Assembly resolution 3212 (XXIX),
Alarmed by the continuation of the Cyprus crisis,
Expressing the hope that negotiations now under way in Cyprus and referred to in paragraph 4 of General Assembly resolution 3212 (XXIX) will also help to alleviate human suffering on the island,
- Calls upon all parties concerned to adhere strictly to the principles of the United Nations Charter, international instruments in the field of human rights, and the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council and to undertake urgent measures for the return of all refugees to their homes in safety;
- Calls for the intensification of efforts aimed at tracing and accounting for missing persons.
- Expresses its support for the General Assembly’s request to the Secretary-General to continue to lend his good offices to the parties concerned and to provide United Nations humanitarian assistance to all parts of the population in Cyprus;
- Requests the Secretary-General to provide the Commission on Human Rights at its thirty-second session with the information relevant to the implementation of the present resolution.
Adopted at the 1305th meeting, without a vote.