United Nations |
S/Res/682(1990) |
Security Council | Distr.: General
21 December 1990 |
RESOLUTION 682 (1990)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2971st meeting,
on 21 December 1990
The Security Council,
Recalling its resolution 186(1964) of 4 March 1964 establishing the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus for an initial period of three months,
Also recalling its subsequent resolutions extending the stationing in Cyprus of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force, most recently its resolution 680(1990) of 14 December 1990,
Reaffirming the statement of the President of the Security Council of 30 May 1990, (S/21323) in which the members emphasized the United Nations peace-keeping operations must be launched and maintained on a sound and secure financial basis,
Concerned about the chronic and ever-deepening financial crisis facing the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus, as described in the report of the Secretary-General (S/21981 and Add. 1) and as expressed in the statement of the President of the Security Council of 15 June 1990 (S/21361),
1.Decides to examine the problem of the costs and financing of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus, bearing in mind the financial crisis facing the Force and the report of the Secretariat Review Team of 7 December 1990 (S/21982), and to report by 1 June 1991 on alternative arrangements for meeting the costs of the Force for which the United Nations are responsible, in order to place the Force on a sound and secure financial basis;
2. Also decides to consider, not later than early June 1991, comprehensively and favourably the results of the examination mentioned in paragraph 1 above, with a view to putting into effect an alternative method of financing the Force which could, inter alia, include the use of assessed contributions, simultaneously with the extension of the mandate on or before 15 June 1991.